Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Better? I think ???? so!

We met with the Army's pediatric neurologist today. I "feel" better but still no concrete answers. The Doc was really good with Zac and conducted a very "hands on" exam. He doesn't believe the MRI showed tumors but instead agrees with the peds radiologist and explained the image as "ghost images"---CSF that was moving at the time of the scan and captured the movement as what may appear as a mass. I want to believe him but all I hear is the first doc telling me what he and his colleagues had found on the images...tumors. Either way..two positive things today...all neurological tests revealed no obvious symptoms of the degradation of Zac's brain function and or gross motor function. Also we got an appointment at Seattle Children's. Granted, it's not until 7 July (MRI) and Doctor's consult on the 9th of July:( I was preparing myself to have to turn to another medical facility to get the timely answers I NEED but I had a reassuring conversation with the neuro nurse practitioner at Seattle. She read the initial case and is sure a month will not be detrimental to Zac's health. In the meantime, I am positive I will not sleep well until we get the second MRI and the Doctor at Children's meets with us to compare the two images and discuss treatment options. According to the Army peds neuro we met with today he thinks there may be a blockage in Zac's brain causing the pressure in the spinal column (causing the curvature). He said Zac may need a shunt em placed in the brain if this is the case. Obviously I don't know much but even THIS sounds more promising than attempting to eliminate multiple TUMORS from the spinal column. Sooooo much to process, holy cow! So here I am ---TRYING TO BE POSITIVE. I am sure the next 4 weeks will not be easy, waiting for the visit to Seattle for the next MRI. My goal is to enjoy my boy, his boundless energy and enjoy the month of June...only one of two months that is REALLY nice in this state:) For the locals following this--try to remind me of the "enjoying my boy" part when you see me peeling Zachary off shelves in the PX, off the floor as he is throwing a fit because I won't give him any candy in the commissary or off the slide at the park when he doesn't want to take his Terrible Two ass home:) Jeff got great news too...he will stay in his current unit until we get our diagnosis from Seattle and prepare for a treatment plan. That is good so that we don't have to deal with THAT change too! Okay--so before I sign off I want to THANK THANK THANK all of you for the prayers...I am CONVINCED our prayers are working!!!! God is present here with us and the Blessed Mother is watching out for my baby boy! AMEN!!!!!


  1. Dear Jenn,

    Positive atitude brings strength , energy and initiative. Positive thinking is expecting , visualizing what you want.

    Keep positive to think negative is like taking a weakening drug.

    Your German friend (:


  2. Kersey family,

    My sister Courtney sent out your blog and I wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for you and your family.

    Yours in Christ,

    Derek and Mel Andrjeski

  3. Hello Kersey Crew,
    We have been praying for you all ever since we found out about little Zac. PLEASE call me if you have any questions about the whole process of transfering to Children's, about the Children's Neruosurgery Program, the Docs, etc. We have been there and done that. In fact, we are still making frequent visits to our friends in Seattle. I would be happy to help you in any way possible. I wish I had someone to ask "mom" questions to during our nightmare, so please take advantage of my unfortunate knowledge. In the meantime, we will continue to lift Zac and the rest of the Kersey family in prayer.

    The Fuccillo's
    Andy, Sarah, and Baby Justus
    (My husband works with your)
